La grande moschea di Mosalla, da anni in costruzione a Teheran su progetto di Parviz Moayyed Ahd, definisce un ampio spazio, un giardino su cui si ergono I due alti minareti tra cui una cupole accoglie l’aula riservata al culto. Ha specchi d’acqua per le abluzioni e per raffrescare l’ambiente, ha camminamenti coperti, ha un’austera ma luminosa maestosità. È frutto di una serie di concorsi e di un lungo iter progettuale. Ne diamo notizia riprendendo quanto riportato nel sito CAOI Contermporary Architecture of Iran.

A public announcement on designing the Mosalla was issued via the Friday Prayer Service Tehran, on February 19, 1985.All the qualified, experienced designers were called for the planning. There entered 36 native and foreign individuals as well as legal entities. The foreign participants were from such countries as Japan, Syria, Pakistan and the Netherlands. The competition was held in 1986 with Mohammad Karim Pirnia, Mehdi Chamran, Bagher Ayatollahzadeh Shirazi, Ali Ghaffari, and Mehdi Hodjat as the jury members.

Although the budget was low, the results were magnificent leading to general idea as the initial guidelines of the architectural design. However, none of the presented designs could satisfy the jury. In 1990, the then general manager of the Mosalla appointed a new team of engineers to reconsider the former designs of the 1985 contest. The final vote went to Dr Parviz Moayyed Ahd’s design which was accepted and reconfirmed for the Mossalla. To maintain the experience of Islamic architecture, the designer has not limited his plan to the modern time Iran but, as he mentions, his design includes territories like Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia which formerly were part of Iran.

The Second Decade Competitions: 1989-1999. The decade after the imposed war, which is also known as the Decade of Construction, was mostly involved in the rebuilding of the destroyed constructions in war affected areas, economical infrastructures, and creating spaces required for industries, government buildings and the like. In this decade, the procedure of organizing the competitions had almost slackened after the war outbreak was enlivened and as some analysts mention, it has turned as one of the most dynamic factors in the architecture after the revolution. Organizing architecture competitions was an event that magnificently gathered and activated the energetic forces in architecture introducing them to the community.

Nevertheless, there were shortcomings and wreckages and the oppositions against instability in results and the manner of organizing that followed. A’BADI prizes for the plans after the revolution have been offered since1991. The tradition of competitions grew rapidly, followed by small and big designs. One after another, there were different organizations arranging competitions in different cities.

Vista a volo d'uccello e planimetria della moschea.
Vista a volo d’uccello e planimetria della moschea.


Il modello dell'insieme architettonico.
Il modello dell’insieme architettonico.
Nelle immagini risalta la succesione di archi e volte che precede la grande cupola.
Nelle immagini risalta la succesione di archi e volte che precede la grande cupola.


Il cantiere in fase avanzata. La moschea è già officiata ma lungi dall'essere completata.
Il cantiere in fase avanzata. La moschea è già officiata ma lungi dall’essere completata.


Name: The Grand Mosalla of Tehran (Imam Khomeini Mosalla)

Location: Tehran, Iran

Architect: Parviz Moayyed Ahd

Date: 1990 –

Type: Religious

Status: Under constrcution

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